PRowl Communications - Niagara Marketing Agency

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What We Have To Say

5 Simple Tips for #Mobile-Friendly Emails

5 Simple Tips for #Mobile-Friendly Emails

Posted in Email Marketing

5 Simple Tips for Mobile-Friendly Emails Smartphone usage is sky-rocketing, and with it, so is the number of people that are reading email on a mobile device.

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Are you sending your customers to your competition

Are you sending your customers to your competition

Posted in Web Design

You wouldn't knowingly send your customers to your competition would you? This is just what you might be doing if your website is not mobile-friendly as of April 21st.

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Why did I do it?

Why did I do it?

Posted in Just 4 Me

So yes, I am now an Origami Owl Independent Designer. You can check it out here. But here are the reasons I got involved as many of my friends are really wondering - it just isn't me.

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Tic Toc - Mobilegeddon arrives April 21st

Tic Toc - Mobilegeddon arrives April 21st

Posted in Web Design

Google's latest algorithm change, called MobileGeddon hits April 21st. It is expected to make a 60% impact on how your website shows up in web searches.

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3 Keys to A Successful Event

3 Keys to A Successful Event

Posted in Event Marketing and Promotion

Event management can be a challenge for even the most experienced event planner and marketer. Whether the event is a small meeting, a fundraiser, a conference or a trade show, there are three keys to a successful event.

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Access free secondary market research to start or grow your business

Access free secondary market research to start or grow your business

Posted in Marketing Plan

Achieving your goal of starting or growing a business begins with informing yourself – and that includes conducting market research to give you a better understanding of the current business environment. Here's an easy two-point guideline to set you on the path to success:

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Our 6 favourite marketing tools

Our 6 favourite marketing tools

Posted in Email Marketing , Engagement Marketing, Marketing Plan

Getting just the right marketing mix for your business is tough enough. Some of the tools we love using to implement our own marketing strategy and the marketing plans of our clients save of us an abundance of time and keep us organized while providing awesome content and stats.

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RANT: Business Not Wanted - Really?

RANT: Business Not Wanted - Really?

Posted in Clients & Cocktails

We just can't believe how hard it is to give local restaurants and bars our business. Why on earth would they not want it?

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Know-how: Facebook Time Saver - Creating Interest Lists

Know-how: Facebook Time Saver - Creating Interest Lists

Posted in Social Media Know-How

For entrepreneurs time is money. Any little tidbit of information that saves time when it comes to marketing their business helps. One of facebook's handy features is the Interest List - Follow these steps to save time and keep your favourite pages at your finger tips

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5 Must-Haves for Social Media Management

5 Must-Haves for Social Media Management

Posted in Social Media Know-How, Engagement Marketing

Social media has grown from a curiosity to an integral piece of corporate strategy in the space of only a few years. Companies are hungry for better social media tools to engage their constituents. This is a list of five features key to delivering on a social media strategy.

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