Frustrated with the 20 percent text rule - check it here
Working with the 20% text rule for facebook ads can be frustrating and time consuming. Figure it out quickly with this grid tool.
Working with the 20% text rule for facebook ads can be frustrating and time consuming. Figure it out quickly with this grid tool.
Getting your message out to many people is not always easy. You know to sell more, you need to educate your customers, but just how do you do that?
Schedule an automated email on or before your contact's birthday with Constant Contact®.
Constant Contact®, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTCT) today announced that it is joining the Facebook Marketing Partner Program, a select group of world-class marketing companies vetted by Facebook for their ability to drive exceptional results. The badge status follows the early success of Constant Contact’s tool for Facebook advertising, which allows small businesses to easily convert their Constant Contact email into a highly targeted, mobile-optimized digital ad on Facebook in minutes.
Thanks to the feedback of 100s of 1000s of Constant Contact users, the system has evolved dramatically. Now even more user-friendly and geared to today's digital consumer marketplace.
YDV Group is making changes. Branding is everything, so we have set off on a journey to rebrand ourselves to PRowl Communications.
A year after the implementation of Canada's Anti-spam Legislation (CASL), few fines issued, but many feel an impact has been made and email marketing still works.
Debi Katsmar, Marketing Strategist of YDV Group, (now PRowl Communications) has been named a Certified Solution Provider by Constant Contact®, Inc., the trusted marketing advisor to more than 600,000 small organizations worldwide.
New research from Constant Contact finds Canadian consumers rate email as their number one method of staying in touch with businesses, but many small businesses are missing this valuable opportunity.
A simple design tool for SMBs to create ads, flyers, even social media banners and content images. Canva - simple and easy to use.
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