Prowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

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Niagara Regional Exhibition Responsive Website

The Niagara Regional Exhibition - Home of the Welland Fair is operated by the Niagara Regional Agricultural Society (NRAS) with a mandate to promote and grow agricultural awareness through bringing rural and urban communities together.

They needed a website that not only promotes the annual agricultural fair, but also informs of agricultural news and helps to promote the rental of their facilities throughout the year. After all, the fair is one weekend of the entire year, the grounds and facilities can be put to good use the remainder of the year for events like small tradeshows, horse, dog, and car shows, concerts, rodeos and so much more.

Secondly the NRAS required a website that could be fully managed in-house by their office and board of directors. They wanted a site that was fully responsive and adaptable to users on computers, laptops and smartphones. The NRE also requires a small e-commerce aspect to their website for the sale of tickets, memberships and other items available to the public throughout the year. The website also incorporates a scrolling sponsor bar and has the capability to place advertisements in the site with impressions and hits to the sites being calculated on-going.

The website created by us here at PRowl Communications gave the NRAS everything they asked for in a timely manner. Visits to the site have been up dramatically since the launch of the new site as our new responsive sites are on top of all SEO requirements. Keyword optimization and descriptives for search engine optimization is part of every website we build.


with a new board, a new mandate - they brought their site back in-house and started a new. 


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How to Automate Your Business and Reclaim 10 Hours a Week

When you’re running your own business, time is your most valuable resource. But let’s be honest, how much of your day is spent on repetitive tasks like sending invoices, scheduling appointments, or following up with clients? If you’re nodding your head right now, it’s time to talk about automation.

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  • She knows many people in the community & I feel an increase in business since our professional relationship began. Debi's social media skills are an asset to any business owner.
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