Announcement: We Are Now A Keap Certified Partner
PRowl Communications is pleased to announce we are now a Keap Certified Partner. To kick it off, we are hosting a Small Business Assessment and Planning Framework Webinar.
PRowl Communications is pleased to announce we are now a Keap Certified Partner. To kick it off, we are hosting a Small Business Assessment and Planning Framework Webinar.
THINK POSITIVE - a favourite quote from the book "Think it's hard, you make it hard. Think it's easy, and it tends to become easy".
Google warned us for months. Business owners are just too busy to heed warnings in many cases especially when it comes to their website. Often reactions are based after the fact when suddenly their website is not performing as well as it was in the previous months.
Making it a family affair, Mackenzie Katsmar joins PRowl Communications as our Marketing Solutions Partner and Photographer.
Ask Debi: Q. For some reason my Facebook posts stopped posting to Twitter after April 27th. It looks like around the same time my other Page stopped going to Twitter as well. How do I link them? Get the answer.
Debi Katsmar of PRowl Communications has been named a Certified Solution Provider by Constant Contact, an Endurance International Group company and a leader in online marketing solutions for small businesses.
Is there room for negotiation -- of course there is! But negotiating value for service vs asking for the world for nothing are two different things!
By not ignoring the situation, 'eating crow' as his customers stated and stepping up this business overall received more positive feedback than negative in the end -- and has new customers too.
Ask Debi: MaryAnn asked if Home Staging is a Good Business to Start? and How to Know Which Training Course to choose? Find out the answers and the top 16 things to look for in a staging training course.
My big thing is knowing what your subscribers are doing with the information you send out. When you send a campaign to you look at just the open rate and click through rate or do you dive deeper?
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