Friends and Family First - Stronger than Ever on Facebook
What can you do to break through Facebook's 2018 algorithms? Start by being creative...
What can you do to break through Facebook's 2018 algorithms? Start by being creative...
Constant Contact asked 33 experts 'what is the one social media trend small businesses and marketers should watch out for in 2017 with social media'? The answers are not surprising.
Facebook has changed the face of business pages again - this one I like!
When three totally unrelated topics get people talking, you know you're engaging...
To me, LinkedIn is a valuable resource of information and connections. I use it to learn, connect, grow my business, and the business of my clients. I do not want garbage in my inbox!
When you consider the high costs and uncertainty associated with traditional advertising methods and some of the recent changes on sites like Facebook, making it difficult to reach your audience, you may be wondering how to make the most of your marketing efforts and see a real return on the money you invest.
Conversations 'over the backyard fence' are just as powerful today as they were before social media. Now -- that fence has more options!
Debi Katsmar of PRowl Communications to Host Seminars in Fonthill to Teach Local Small Businesses and Nonprofits How to Rev Up Their Marketing in 2016.
Working with the 20% text rule for facebook ads can be frustrating and time consuming. Figure it out quickly with this grid tool.
Constant Contact®, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTCT) today announced that it is joining the Facebook Marketing Partner Program, a select group of world-class marketing companies vetted by Facebook for their ability to drive exceptional results. The badge status follows the early success of Constant Contact’s tool for Facebook advertising, which allows small businesses to easily convert their Constant Contact email into a highly targeted, mobile-optimized digital ad on Facebook in minutes.
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