C&C Christmas party
Small business Christmas Party - November 24th, 2023 7pm Club Capri, Thorold brought to you by Clients & Cocktails Networking, Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce & Networking Now.
Small business Christmas Party - November 24th, 2023 7pm Club Capri, Thorold brought to you by Clients & Cocktails Networking, Niagara Board of Trade & Commerce & Networking Now.
Building relationships is what networking is all about. Join us for our 300th Clients and Cocktails Networking event. You're invited!
Networking is more than meeting people; it's about learning, experiencing new places and opportunities. Above all it's about BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP! Find out how curling and networking go together.
April 22nd was a celebration for members of Clients and Cocktails Networking. This particular Friday marked the 100th event.
We just can't believe how hard it is to give local restaurants and bars our business. Why on earth would they not want it?
There is networking, and there is networking. Most business owners belong to quite a few networking groups and organizations. Pretty much any networking you do will benefit your business as you are sure to meet someone and hopefully a few people who do not know you exist.
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