For non-profits and those hosting events where you are not collecting a fee, or only collecting at the door, getting your contact list to send you an RSVP can be as easy as 1-2-3 with Constant Contact.
How often do you send an invite to an event to never hear back from those on your list?
So what happens? You then send a reminder and another reminder, then you call. Only to find out the recipient will not be attending. If you are on the ball, you might also ask why they didn't respond?
In many cases, you will find the answer to be
Oh, I meant to go back and do it later. But I forgot! I didn't have time at that moment.
With Constant Contact, getting an RSVP has never been so easy.
Watch the video! If you don't have Constant Contact Email Plus - sign up today! Not only will you get more responses, you will also be able to see the list of those who will attend, the maybe's and those who cannot make it.
Constant Contact's unique tools offer small business the opportunity to streamline marketing activities, track and respond to their customer list.
Special Offer: Use PROMOCode: SPFEB17 for 40% off for 3 months on Constant Contact Email Plus. Expires February 17, 2017.