For a holiday season promotion to be successful, you need a promotion plan!
The holiday season presents a huge opportunity for small businesses to succeed using promotions. It is a time when customers are primed and ready to buy. Promotions are a great tool for small businesses to encourage more customer shop with them during the holiday season. However, in order for a holiday season promotion to be successful, you need a promotion plan!
Three Ideas for Your Holiday Marketing Campaigns
1. In-store promotion
Create signs to hang in your store to let people know about your promotion. Don’t forget to encourage people to stay in touch by joining your mailing list so you can send them information about other offers and get them back in your store.
2. Email promotion
Email marketing will be the most effective tool for reaching potential customers throughout the holiday season. Set up an email plan that includes 3 messages: an announcement of your oer, a reminder, and a “Thank you” message. Save time and send festive emails using Constant Contact’s holiday themed templates.
3. Social media
Highlight your offer on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Sharing your offer across your social networks is a cost effective way to open up your content to a whole new audience and generate the type of buzz you have been looking for.
Content and Promotion Ideas for November
November is National:
- Pomegranate Month
- Peanut Butter Lovers' Month
- World Vegan Month
- Manatee Awareness Month
- Novel Writing Month and many more...
Check out our calendar resource for more ideas based on special days, weeks and monthly awareness programs. (Click the arrow key to move to November - there are a ton of items to choose from - just remember to do your research - some of these listed are only U.S. or only Canadian.
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