42% of businesses say email is one of their most effect lead generation tools*. Email marketing campaigns can help you deliver the right message, at the right time, in the right place, to the right people, for the right reason -- the 5 W's of Marketing.
1. Newsletter to customers - new products and services, events, awards, etc.
2. Newsletter to suppliers - what you are doing to promote their products/services, requests for tenders, etc.
3. Internal staff memos, news and announcements
4. Holiday wish
5. Notice of store hour change
6. Special offer for email subscribers only
7. Coupons
8. Announce your social media sites
9. List of events at your store or in your neighbourhood
10. Warranty or recall notices
11. Product / Service information updates
12. White papers
13. Case Studies
14. Employee of the Month
15. Customer of the Month
16. Birthday or anniversary card
17. Articles for consumer knowledge of your product / service
18. Customer testimonials
19. Announcement of event, open house, start of a sale
20. Announcement of membership to local chamber, or other organization related to your business
21. Sponsorship of event or team announcement
22. New employee welcome aboard
23. New customer welcome aboard
24. New supplier welcome aboard
25. Deadline reminder
26. Promote your latest video
27. Show off your brochure, new signage etc.
28. Invitation to event
29. Share an article written about you or your business in a local paper, magazine or trade journal
* Circle Research
PRowl Communications is a Constant Contact Certified Solution Provider and Authorized Local Expert. They have received the All-Star Email Marketing Award for six consecutive years.
Contact us today to get started with your email marketing strategy.