PRowl Communications - Niagara Marketing Agency

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Measuring Advertising Results & ROI. Can it be done?

Posted in Training

Measuring Advertising Results & ROI. Can it be done?

Of course it can be done!

"I don't advertise. It doesn't work". Sound familiar? Well, guess what? -- Of course it 'doesn't work', if there was no plan in the first place!

The simplest of strategies start with the 5 Ws of Marketing. You know them. Yes, you guessed it... 

1. Who? 2.  Where? 3. What? 4. When? 5.  Why? 

Answer this:  Did your last ad do what you wanted it to do? 

We're almost positive most of you do not know.  Why not? Because you didn't know the 'WHY' of the ad in the first place.

If you know about the 5 Ws, you probably also believe that as long as you answer the 5 questions, you are on the right track. You're partially right. 

Here's the but... 

But, if you don't know WHY you are advertising, you can't measure the results, and therefore cannot determine your results or return on investment. In other words, determine the goal! Goal (why?) = Measurement.  Get the point? 

4 Tips:  

1. Determine why you are placing the ad or starting the campaign   

2. Be precise in determining the why - to 'increase sales' as a 'why' doesn't cut it.  

3. Know your statistics - starting numbers/criteria are required to measure results 

4. Document results daily - calls, web visits, facebook likes, product sales, etc. 

If you don't know why -- Call us for the solution! 905-734-8273

We deliver the right message, at the right time, in the right place, to the right people, for the right reason providing measured results!

This article was originally pubished in The Business Link Newspaper: September 2014

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