PRowl Communications - Niagara Marketing Agency


Instant Book Covers

Instant Book Covers #1

Is Your Book Ready to Promote? 

One thing I love about MockupShots is that they’re constantly updating their mockups.

This means I can promote my books for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, or even National Chocolate Day.

Plus, if I need a customized mockup, all I need to do is reach out to them, and I’ll get the exact one made for me.

Inside MockupShots you can choose mockups by category. You don’t have to wait for the right season. Maybe you just want to inspire new adventures.


MockupShots has all the powerful tools that authors need to create amazing images, gifs, videos, and more of their books. The regular price is $198, but we are currently giving affiliates the option of selling it for the lowest sales price ever of $80.

This special offer expires on September 21st, 2022

Get It Now

Turn Your Book Into Thousands of Images, Videos, Graphics & More

The Perfect Image for Your Websites and Landing Pages

Memes of Your Book

Perfect Book Promo Videos Created in Seconds!

Animated Book Mockup GIFS

More Than Just Traditional Images

We are committed to bringing you innovative ways to promote your books, like our amazing ACTION SHOT GIFS of your books. These moving images of your book work great for social media. Here are just a few of the GIFS that you will see inside your account.

Get It Now

We love mockup shots and quite frequently use it to create promotional images for books, ebooks, videos and more... We are an affiliate of MockupShots receiving a small commission should you buy using our links.  

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