Prowl Communications | Niagara Marketing Consultant

PROWL COMMUNICATIONS | We Take the Headache Out of Your Marketing. AUTOMATICALLY!

Analyse Your Website

By analyzing your website, you are taking the first step in recognizing your website as a valuable part of your sales team. 

This website audit form is a self-analysis of your existing website. It's purpose is to help you understand the good, the bad and the ugly about your website. It will generate a thought process in what you could be doing differently to make your website generate new leads and drive sales to your business. 

Go through each question and answer honestly. Submit it to us when you're done. We will then provide you with no-obligation recommendations on how to correct the issues you have identified.  

Complete each area below offering your concerns, thoughts, etc.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this mini-website audit. For doing so, we will respond within the next few days with no-obligation recommendations for you.

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How to Automate Your Business and Reclaim 10 Hours a Week

When you’re running your own business, time is your most valuable resource. But let’s be honest, how much of your day is spent on repetitive tasks like sending invoices, scheduling appointments, or following up with clients? If you’re nodding your head right now, it’s time to talk about automation.

What Our Clients are Saying!

  • Excellent job on the new Welland Central Firehall web site. It’s clean, easy to use and gets our message across. Thanks for putting up with our complicated process of too many chefs at the pot.
    ~ Wayne Campbell

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