PRowl Communications - Niagara Marketing Agency

PROWL COMMUNICATIONS | We Take The Headache Out of Your Marketing AUTOMATICALLY!

Clients and Cocktails

Clients and Cocktails Networking is a weekly networking event hosted by Debi Katsmar of PRowl Communications

clients and cocktails networking banner

Established early in 2014, PRowl Communications'* Client and Cocktails offers local small businesses the opportunity to network and discuss marketing issues facing their businesses. The group meets every Friday from 3:30 pm until 6:00 pm at a different pub or restaurant in a different city or town each week. The idea is to share the wealth for the meetings and introduce networkers to the various food and drink venues throughout the Region. It also allows businesses from the various areas to come out and meet other businesses who may not be from their city or town. 

In February 2024, we celebrated 10 years of networking every Friday!

There is no membership fee, all businesses are welcome to attend. We ask you to register each week so we do not overwhelm the restaurant or pub with our numbers. Cash bar/food. There is no obligation to attend each week, drop in when you can. Can't get to the meeting until 5 - not a problem, join us then! 

To stay informed of where we will be each week, signup here to receive our email invitation - choose Clients and Cocktails Networking and any other list you might be interested in. We will only send you the information you request. We do not share or sell our lists. 

Photos from our 100th Clients & Cocktails Networking Event - held April 22, 2016 at M.T. Bellies


*PRowl Communications 

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